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Progress thermometerAs of May 25th, with two weeks until our departure, we have 17% of the funding for this trip in hand and a clear sense of leading to press ahead.

Join us in praying in the remainder of God’s provision. Thank you!

If God leads you to help, you can use any of the methods listed to the right below, or contact us for additional options.

One Response to “Trip Funding at 17% (5/25)”

  1. Donna Williss says:

    I sent a ck today for $30, as the Lord seemed to say I’d be ok financially, not to worry…so I DID! I am happy to invest in the kingdom work and in your family and will be praying during your trip. You can send emails about specific prayer needs as they arise there, no doubt so that I can pray.
    Blessings, Donna

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